Provide a Lifeline: Donate Old Cell Phones for Okanagan Youth

BGC Okanagan is launching an urgent appeal to the community to donate old cell phones to help youth stay connected with critical resources.
“Due to overwhelming demand, we have run out of cell phones, leaving many young people without a vital lifeline to the support networks they need,” said Michael Lea, who works with the Reconnect program at BGC Okanagan. “These donated phones have been a game-changer for the youth we serve. They provide a crucial connection to social workers, trauma counsellors, Indigenous Advocates, doctors, housing workers, and family members.”
Reconnect Counsellors work with youth ages 13-18 and their families. They support them not just when they are facing barriers, but also to enhance protective factors such as developing coping skills, one-on-one support and provide community supports and services before crisis hits. He said the phones make a profound difference for youth and their families.
How it will help Okanagan youth connect with critical resources
One grateful grandmother shared, “We are so thankful that you were able to provide my grandson with a phone. You are angels! This has given me the ability to stay connected with my grandson so I know that he is safe in the community.”
Reconnect staff said they have also provided phones to client’s whose parents are street entrenched.
“This meant the world to the youth, knowing her mom was safe. It brought her to tears because she couldn’t afford to buy her mom a phone herself.”
How to donate your old cell phones
A donated old phone can make a world of difference. Lea said he only needs about 30 cell phones at the moment. Cell phones do not have to be the latest model and can even have cosmetic damage, as long as it can hook up to wireless internet and is usable.
Donate today and help ensure that every young person in our community has the tools they need to stay safe and connected. Phones can be dropped off at the Downtown Youth Centre in Kelowna at 1633 Richter St. (Lawrence Avenue entrance) Monday to Friday from 3 to 7 p.m.